Home > Available Rolling Stock > Freight Wagons > 30t Bogie Ballast Hopper Wagons For Sale

30t Bogie Ballast Hopper Wagons For Sale

30t Bogie Ballast Hopper Wagons For Sale
Unit shown is an example of units available and is offered subject to prior sale.

Designed for carrying up to 30 tonnes of ballast or shingle in specially designed reservoirs (hoppers). These hoppers can carry a volume of 18.3m3 and release their payload directly onto the trackside/cess area. Hopper wagons are ideal for carrying loose material to be delivered on site, as there is no need for any additional lifting equipment.

Buffers are standard type coil-sprung retractable buffers. These buffers use demountable saddles to retain the buffers in the deployed position.

The drawgear is designed for use with drop head buckeye couplers. The drawgear incorporates multiplate elastomeric cushion pack. With the buckeye coupler in the lowered position the drawgear presents an RCH style hook allowing the vehicle to be coupled using a screw-link style coupling arrangement.

The wagons are fitted with a twin pipe automatic air brake system supplied by Westinghouse. The system features gradual release with two state load compensation triggered at one bogie by a plunger operated load valve giving tare and laden changeover brake performance. Each wagon has two separate body mounted combination cylinder and slack adjusters for each bogie.

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Detailed Specification

Type: Wagon - Ballast Wagon Wheel arrangement: Bogie Specification: UK Build year: 1981 Maker: W.H. Davis & Sons Quantity produced: 22 Quantity offered: 3 Gauge: 1,435 mm (4' 8.5") Length over buffers: 12,900 mm (42' 4") Distance between bogie centres: 9,400 mm (30' 10") Tare weight: 22.5 tonnes Payload weight: 30 tonnes Gross weight: 52.5 tonnes Buffers: Yes


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